• How can you lean out?
  • Do you struggle with meal planning?
  • Do you know what to eat to get the desired results you are looking for?

We all know our food decisions really do make a difference in our physique. If you have been wondering where your plan is failing you, check out these tips that may help you find the critical point that has been failing all your efforts.

1) Waiting too long between your mini-meals. Try and eat every 3 hours. Set an alarm on your phone.

2) ZERO Sodium club! You need a level of sodium in your diet. When you dip too low, your body cramps up, you can have weakness, and actually retain water!

3) Counting all calories as equals. Protein bar calories don’t equal the same in whole foods and fruits and veggie calories. Same goes with any other food you choose that is processed.

4) Over indulging AFTER you hit a goal.  It’s easy to fall heavy off the wagon once you hit a small goal or even that big goal with your body transformation. Have 2 meal plans. 1) that keeps you tight and focused and 2) one that has an “off-season” or off tight focus plan eating plan.

5) Cutting the Carbs. Your body needs carbs for daily function and clarity but with too low of carb intake, your body actually looks stringy and depleted. Be sure to eat whole grain (not enriched wheat) carbs.

6) A little here and there won’t hurt. Even those little extra bites of your healthy food, can derail your efforts. There will be times you are really hungry while on your meal plan, but find another way to distract and stay on your plan.

7) Choosing the wrong type of carbs before and after your workouts. Choose slow digesting carbs prior to your workout and fast digesting carbs after your workout. For example, have a protein shake following your workout with fruit in it as fruit has a higher glycemic index (fast digesting carb)

8) CUTTING the Calories too much! Your body and the activity you do each day needs to have a variable caloric intake. Sticking the the same low amount of calories day to day will actually work against you.

9) Skipping Meals.  Sounds like it would work in your favor since you are taking in less calories, but your body actually works against you. Your body starts fight against you as you aren’t feeding it, so it shows down the metabolic fire within. Your metabolism naturally slows down as you age, so this is another major reason to get in the habit of frequent meals.

10) Eating NON-DIET food while on your “Diet”.  Those little cheat bites here and there throw your system off. It’s the same as a car cruising down the highway then throwing sugar in the gas tank. Allow for your planned cheat meals on your plan for 1 sitting, not scattered here and there.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook for more Nutrition and Exercise tips! http://www.facebook.com/coachdwyer