When You Are Too Tired to Work Out

Do you skip workouts when you are tired? How do you motivate yourself to workout? Does a hectic schedule keep you from your workout? When You Are Too Tired to Work Out A hectic schedule, lack of sleep and less than adequate nutrition can all make you feel tired and lackluster come workout time. When…

Get More Sleep!!

Do you have trouble sleeping? Does lack of sleep affect you mood? Are you creating the right environment to get maximum sleep? Who has trouble sleeping?  I think anyone with kids under the age of 8 should have their hand in the air 🙂 I don’t have teenagers yet, but they probably cause a lack of…

Fun Family Fitness Ideas

Do you set the fitness example for your family? Looking for new, fun ways to keep your family fit? Are video games a fitness option? Childhood obesity is becoming an increasing problem, with children choosing to spend more time in front of the TV, surfing the internet and playing computer games than engaging in active,…

Kids and Exercise

Are your kids part of your fitness routine? Do you need tips for getting your kids physically active? Need help making fitness a family affair?   When most adults think about exercise, they imagine working out in the gym on a treadmill or lifting weights. But for kids, exercise means playing and being physically active.…

Post-Workout Snack Ideas

Are you starving after a workout? Are you afraid to eat too many calories after you workout? Do you eat the right post-workout foods?   Post-Workout Snack Ideas These energizing snacks pack the right nutrients to help you recover from your workout without undoing your calorie burn. It’s a common exercise problem –  You’re starving…