Have you ever said that? Have you ever heard someone say that about a diet shake?

Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 10.49.09 PMTypically, if you are between the ages of 2-99, you have probably had some sort of protein  shake, meal replacement shake, diet shake, weight loss shake, green shake, etc…

The challenge is, our taste buds are SO over processed and masked, that when we actually EAT something healthy, it tastes HORRIBLE!

Most shakes on the market actually DO taste horrible! I know, I have used MANY different brands from the shakes offered in the supermarket to the vitamin shops!

Most shakes are fabricated, man made, persevered, and have a lot of artificial flavorings and sweeteners. That’s VERY common, and for some reason acceptable.

So why is a bad tasting shake that is so overly processed, but just sold in a big 5lb bucket at your local big box store desirable?

Honestly, buy whatever shake you want. If you are focusing on living healthy, promoting health, and looking at this for the LONG haul and not a quick fix- do whatever works.

For me, I’m going to prefer to put in organic, dug from the earth, 100% completely natural shakes. If I’m looking at this for the long haul, then it better be without question or future recall. 😉

The challenge people have with weight loss shakes is that THEY MAKE THEM WRONG! Seriously! I need to offer a college credit course for helping people understand how to make their protein shakes better!

Your diet shake DOESN’T have to be choked down. It CAN taste good, and you can actually look forward to it and CRAVE IT! Much like those sweet things at night, you can easily have this instead.

In this video, I’m sharing with you some of the COMMON mistakes people make in making their weight loss shakes, diet shakes, protein shakes, or meal replacement shakes.

I also teach you the BEST way in making a shake.


Feel free to reach out to me if you want to learn more about a meal plan, Shakeology, Online Coaching, and ways to make an income in the fitness industry.
