Are you looking for a new workout? Do you enjoy the outdoors? Do you have a friend to workout with? Getting fit for summer doesn’t mean that you have to spend all your free time at the gym. Get outside! You can get a really killer cardiovascular workout — as well as tone and strengthen…

Are You A Leader?

What makes a good leader? Do you have leadership characteristics? Is there a difference between a leader and a manager? What is leadership, anyway? Such a simple question, and yet it cannot be answered simply. Let’s start with what leadership is not… Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy…


Do you expect to see instant results? Do you feel your fitness goals do not come fast enough? Do you have realistic fitness goals? Long-term health and strength require an investment in your body that might not pay noticeable dividends for weeks or months. It’s scary, but true. Of course, it’s no fun to keep…

Good Fat vs. Bad Fat

Do you know the difference between good fat and bad fat? How do you get more good fat in your diet? Ho can you eliminate bad fat from your diet? Everyone needs to eat fat.  You cannot go on a completely fat-free diet. Fats helps nutrient absorption, nerve transmission, maintaining cell membrane integrity etc. However,…