How to get customers for your online business. In this video you’ll learn specific marketing tactics you can use immediately to get new customers and new followers. Learn how to build an opt-in page to grow your email list.
Use Facebook to capture new contacts.
No matter what you sell, you’ll get ideas you can use now!
The importance of staying in touch with prospects and customers and why having a business email list is the cheapest and easiest way to do it.
A specific strategy you can use with social media to attract local customers.
Why you need to show people the key ways you are different to stand out in the crowd.
Building an opt-in form that provides value will increase people wanting to follow you and to do business with you.
Christine Dwyer is the founder of the Team Platinum Presenters within the Team Beachbody Coaching opportunity. She has groomed the HIGHEST achieving, top earning, and largest downline and network in Coaches within the company.
As a Top Coach herself, she was the first person in the company to achieve the highest rank you can achieve in a business center, 15 Star Diamond, also known as SuperStar Diamond Coach. She additionally was the first person to achieve this top rank of 15 Star Diamond in a 2nd Business center, with the title of SuperStar Diamond II.
She hosts her own weekend Fitness and Business Marketing Conference each year, The Platinum Edge.
You can find out more about coaching by going to PlatinumPresenters.com
Reach out to Christine if you would like to find out more about becoming a Beachbody Coach yourself and personally work with her as a mentor with coaching with Team Beachbody. Christine@ChristineDwyer.com